Bentley AKA Odus
Bentley is a red sable puppy. He is living in Connecticut with his new forever friend.
Oliver is living in Connecticut with his new partner in crime!
Marcus AKA Archie
Marcus has moved to Mount Vernon, Missouri and is now known as Archie.
Shasta AKA Harper
Shasta is now living near Lockwood, Missouri.
Mr Marcell
Photo Used by Permission
Niles is a beautiful fawn puppy with a black mask, tail, and ears. He loves to cuddle and play and has a winning personality. Niles is curious, adoring, and spunky in a joyful way, but is not wild. He is a true pleasure to nurture. Niles will be staying at Bear Creek with the rest of our Frenchies.
Willow now lives in Connecticut with her forever family.
Ruby's Final Litter
Sire: Mr Marcell
This is Ruby's final litter, born on September 28, 2017.